Oxidized Bitumen

Manufacture of Oxidized Bitumen 150/5 Dubai UAE

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Oxidized Bitumen 150/5 Dubai

Oxidized Bitumen 150/5 Dubai, In the realm of construction materials, oxidized bitumen plays a significant role, particularly in applications requiring durability, resilience, and adaptability. Among the various grades of oxidized bitumen, 150/5 stands out as a widely used and versatile material. This grade, characterized by its softening point of 150°C and penetration grade of 5, exhibits exceptional properties that make it suitable for a diverse range of applications. These characteristics make it particularly suitable for applications in hot climates and where high durability is required.

What is Oxidized Bitumen 150/5 Dubai?

Oxidized Bitumen 150/5, also known as Blown Bitumen 150/5, is a type of bitumen produced by introducing hot air into pure bitumen under controlled temperature conditions. This process, known as blowing, alters the physical properties of bitumen, resulting in a harder and more elastic material with enhanced resistance to temperature variations. Oxidized bitumen is widely used in various applications due to its unique properties and versatility.

  1. Grade Notation 150/5:
    • Softening Point (150): The first number, 150, represents the softening point of the bitumen in degrees Celsius. This is the temperature at which the bitumen softens and becomes more fluid. A softening point of 150°C indicates that the bitumen has been modified to have a higher resistance to softening under heat.
    • Penetration (5): The second number, 5, indicates the penetration value of the bitumen. Penetration is a measure of the bitumen’s hardness and is expressed in tenths of a millimeter. A penetration value of 5 means the bitumen is quite hard, as it has a low penetration rate. This indicates that the bitumen is more rigid and less flexible.

Description of Oxidized Bitumen 150/5 Dubai

Oxidized Bitumen 150/5 is the semi-solid oxidized grade of pure petroleum bitumen categorized in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. and Bitumen 150/5 is normaly on petroleum bitumen which is made by blowing Bitumen 60/70 by hot air.

Blown Bitumen 150/5 is a type of bitumen that is made by blowing air through bitumen. The blowing process causes the bitumen to oxidize, which means that it reacts with oxygen. This reaction makes the bitumen harder, more resistant to water, and more adhesive.

This grade should be heated at double the temperature (200ᵒ-300ᵒC) against the softening point to be able to have flow and viscosity.

the 150/5 specification means :

  1. The first number represents the softening point in degrees Celsius (i.e., 150°C), which indicates the temperature at which the bitumen begins to soften and lose its solid state.
  2. The second number signifies the penetration grade (i.e., 5), which measures the depth (in tenths of a millimeter) to which a standard needle can penetrate the bitumen under specified conditions.

Oxidized Bitumen 150/5 has a different name, Some of these alternative names include:

  • Blown Asphalt 150/5
  • Blown Bitumen 150/5
  • Oxidizing Bitumen 150/5
  • Oxidized Asphalt 150/5
  • Air Blown Asphalt 150/5
  • Air-Rectified Bitumen 150/5

Manufacturing Process of Oxidized Bitumen 150/5 Dubai

Oxidized bitumen 150/5 is a modified bitumen produced through a controlled air-blowing process. This process involves blowing hot air through heated bitumen, causing chemical reactions that change the physical properties of the bitumen. The modified bitumen has a higher softening point, lower penetration, and enhanced resistance to weathering and aging. The Manufacturing Process of Oxidized Bitumen 150/5 has 7 steps.

1. Raw Material Preparation:

  • Selection: High-quality bitumen is used as the starting material. This is typically obtained through vacuum distillation of crude oil, which separates the heavier bitumen from the lighter hydrocarbon materials.

2. Heating:

  • The selected bitumen is heated to a high temperature, generally between 240°C – 260°C, in a specially designed oxidation furnace. This preheating stage prepares the bitumen for oxidation and ensures uniform temperature distribution during the blowing process.

3. Air Blowing:

  •  Hot air is blown through the heated bitumen at a controlled rate and temperature. The air acts as a catalyst, initiating chemical reactions within the bitumen molecules. These reactions lead to the formation of new chemical bonds, which alter the molecular structure of the bitumen.

4. Cooling:

  • After air blowing, the oxidized bitumen is cooled to a controlled temperature. This prevents further oxidation reactions and stabilizes the modified bitumen.

5. Filtering:

  •  The cooled oxidized bitumen is passed through a filter system to remove impurities and ensure a clean, consistent product.

6. Mixing and Blending:

  • Oxidized bitumen 150/5 is often blended with other additives, such as stabilizers or polymers, to further enhance its properties and tailor it for specific applications.

7. Storage and Packaging:

  • Storage: The oxidized bitumen is stored in heated tanks to maintain its viscosity and prevent hardening.

  • Packaging: The oxidized bitumen is packaged in various forms, such as drums, bags, or pails, depending on the desired size and handling requirements.

8. Quality Control:

  • Testing: Regular quality control tests are conducted to ensure that the oxidized bitumen meets the specified standards for properties such as softening point, penetration, and viscosity.

Properties of Oxidized Bitumen 150/5 Dubai

Oxidized bitumen 150/5 is a type of bitumen that has been chemically altered through an oxidation process. This process involves exposing bitumen to air or oxygen at elevated temperatures, which causes the bitumen to undergo various chemical changes, resulting in an oxidized product. Oxidized bitumen 150/5 has specific properties that make it suitable for various industrial applications. Here are some of the key properties of oxidized bitumen 150/5:

  • Softening Point: Oxidized bitumen 150/5 has a relatively high softening point, which means it becomes less soft and more solid at elevated temperatures. This property makes it suitable for applications where temperature resistance is required.
  • Penetration Value: The penetration value of oxidized bitumen 150/5 is relatively low, indicating that it is less penetrable at room temperature. This property is advantageous for applications where durability and resistance to deformation are important.
  • Ductility: Oxidized bitumen 150/5 typically has lower ductility compared to unoxidized bitumen. Ductility refers to the bitumen’s ability to stretch without breaking. Reduced ductility can be useful in certain applications where brittleness is undesirable.
  • Thermal Stability: Oxidized bitumen 150/5 exhibits improved thermal stability due to the oxidation process. It can withstand higher temperatures without softening or deforming, which is beneficial in applications involving high-temperature exposure.
  • Aging Resistance: Oxidized bitumen 150/5 is less prone to aging, which means it retains its properties and performance characteristics for a longer period, even when exposed to environmental factors like UV radiation and weathering.
  • Adhesion: This type of bitumen generally has good adhesion properties, making it suitable for various applications, such as adhesives, sealants, and waterproofing.
  • Water Resistance: Oxidized bitumen 150/5 offers good resistance to water penetration, making it ideal for waterproofing and sealing applications.
  • Viscosity: The viscosity of oxidized bitumen 150/5 is relatively high, which can be advantageous in applications where a thick, viscous material is required, such as in the manufacturing of roofing and insulation products.
  • Durability: Blown bitumen 150/5 is known for its durability and long-term performance, which is essential in applications where the material needs to withstand harsh environmental conditions.

Oxidized Bitumen 150/5 Dubai Applications

This kind of bitumen is suitable to be used in chemical, raw material for bitumen coat, lacquers, varnishes, paper-pulp-board, textile processing, pavement, crack seal and repairmen, civil works, bitumen coat for piping, roofing, construction industries; sealing and insulating buildings, adhesive, construction materials additive, road construction, dust-binding,

insulating and impregnating agent, isolation bitumen membrane sheet, make rubber and plastic products. typical uses for oxidized bitumen 150/5 include roofing, pipe coating, and hydraulic applications, R150/5 is mainly used in paint manufacturing and coating in hot areas. The main hazards presented by Asphalt relate to the temperature of the material.

Usage of Oxidized Bitumen 150/5 Dubai

It’s used as raw material for bitumen coats, roofing, and insulation also in the Isolation bitumen membrane sheet. Also Oxidized asphalt 150-5 uses in chemical, fuel, paints, lacquers, varnishes, paper-pulp-board, and textile processing. In road construction, pavement, crack seal and repairmen, civil works, roofing also construction.
In addition, it uses for sealing and insulating buildings, adhesive, construction materials additives, dust-binding, and coating. With a wide range of uses in insulating and impregnating agents, make rubber and plastic products.

The blown asphalt 150/5 products are for paving and roofing. Also used in asphalt-based paints for corrosion protection of metals, inlining public works structures, adhesives in electrical laminates, and base for synthetic turf. Typical uses for Oxidized Bitumen 150/5 also include roofing, pipe coating, Portland cement pavement, hydraulic applications, and paint manufacturing.

Advantages and Disadvantages Oxidized Bitumen 150/5 Dubai

Advantages of Oxidized Bitumen 150/5:

  1. Enhanced Durability: Oxidized bitumen 150/5 exhibits superior durability compared to conventional bitumen due to the air-blowing process it undergoes. The oxidation reactions strengthen the molecular structure of the bitumen, making it more resistant to cracking, deformation, and aging. This enhanced durability makes oxidized bitumen an ideal choice for long-lasting applications, such as road construction, roofing, and waterproofing.
  2. Weather Resistance: Oxidized bitumen 150/5 is remarkably resistant to the effects of weather, including extreme temperatures, sunlight, and moisture. Its higher softening point allows it to withstand high temperatures without softening or melting, while its low penetration ensures it remains flexible and durable in cold conditions. Moreover, the air-blowing process imparts weather resistance properties, making the bitumen less susceptible to cracking, erosion, and degradation caused by exposure to natural elements.

Disadvantages of Oxidized Bitumen 150/5:

  1. Environmental Impact: The production of oxidized bitumen 150/5 involves the use of fossil fuels, which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and environmental pollution. Additionally, the manufacturing process may generate volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can be harmful to air quality. Efforts to reduce environmental impact include using cleaner production techniques, implementing energy-efficient practices, and minimizing waste generation.
  2. Cost Considerations: Oxidized bitumen 150/5 is generally more expensive than conventional bitumen due to the additional processing steps involved. However, the long-lasting performance and reduced maintenance costs associated with oxidized bitumen can offset the initial higher investment. Considering the overall lifespan of the application and the potential for savings in future repairs, oxidized bitumen can prove to be a more cost-effective option in the long run.

Surface Preparation

Before using Blown Asphalt, surfaces must be dry, clean, and free of loose types, curing products, disorders, and slurry. Furthermore, if you use this type of bitumen without cleaning the area bitumen 150/5 will easily remove.

Health & Safety of Oxidized Bitumen 150/5 Dubai

workers should comply with these tips:

  • Ventilation: workers anywhere working should have appropriate Ventilation Because Oxidized Bitumen can release fumes when heated, which can be harmful if inhaled.
  • Protective Equipment: workers should use heat-resistant gloves, safety shoes, long-sleeved shirts, long trousers, and safety goggles.
  • Fire Safety: Workers work with high temperatures for this reason Keep bitumen away from open flames or sparks and have appropriate fire extinguishing equipment on hand.

Capacity of Loading Container 

25kg PP Bag: Palletized and Shrink Wrapped
Loading 920 Bag in 20ft Container= 23 Ton Net

25kg Carton Box- Palletized and Shrink Wrapped
Loading 880 Carton Box in 20ft Container= 22 Ton Net

Packing of Oxidized Bitumen 150/5 Dubai

Oxidized Bitumen has a different Packing and you can see some of these packings:

  • Meltable Polyamide Bags in (20&25 Kg)
  • Carton Box in (20,25&40 Kg)
  • Kraft Bags in (20,25&40 Kg)
  • Blocks in (20,25&40 Kg)
  • Drums in (20&25 Kg)

Specification of Oxidized Bitumen 150/5 Dubai

The oxidized asphalt grade 150/5 means the softening point is 150°c and penetration is 5 desi millimeters is produced in compliance and conformity to ASTM standards and meets the following specifications:

Specific gravity @ 25/25 °cASTM D70Kg/cm³1.05 approx
Penetration @ 25°cASTM D5mm/104-6
Softening point °cASTM D36°C145-155
Ductility @ 25°cASTM D113cm1.5 min
Loss on heating(wt) %ASTM D6wt %0.2 max
Flashpoint °cASTM D92°C250 min
Solubility is CS2(wt) %ASTM D4wt %99.5 max
Spot testA.a.s.h.o.t102-Negative

If you are more interested in product information or need to place an order contact or inquire about our Sales team.

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